The other morning, Monday morning, Nov 5 at 0815 in the morning to be exact, I stopped at the Walnut Bottom McDonalds in Carlisle, PA on my way to an appointment in Harrisburg. It was raining pretty good that morning and seeing the size of the drive through line I decided to go inside for a change thinking it’ll likely take less time and I won’t have to sit with my window open and get wet while going through the drive-thru. When I got inside, however, I wasn’t ready for what was waiting for me. It was almost like stepping into an episode of the Twilight Zone: the old series… Read More
Continue ReadingPhishing Expedition from Argentina
Yes, that’s Phishing (ph) as opposed to Fishing (f); Both use a hook, some bait and wait for something or someone to take said bait in hopes of landing a prize. The latter will hopefully result in a meal, whereas the former definitely leads to trouble. I use a cloud-based anti-spam service – Avast CloudCare Antispam – formally known as AVG CloudCare Antispam. It’s a really good service and quite a few of my clients are also users of said service. Anyway, this morning while I was checking the messages in my quarantine I noticed there was a message from the FBI! And no… they don’t email people; at least… Read More
Continue ReadingHey Facebook
To the powers that be at Facebook: I know you may find this surprising but I couldn’t care less about the News Feed or what’s trending. I’m not the least bit interested. I read and post to Facebook to stay connected to friends and relatives and since my life is just average I seriously doubt anything I or my contacts have to say would be important enough for trending. When I set the preferred view to most recent I do so with the intention FOR IT TO STAY THAT WAY: PERMANENTLY! However, the good folks that care for the code that is Facebook seem to think I don’t have any idea what I… Read More
Continue ReadingWhere would we be without the dark ages?
All through mankind’s history someone or some group has always been looking for the angle by which to control others. At no other time was this more evident than the dark ages…
Continue ReadingA Jihadist’s Hell
Why are there 72 virgins?
What if there were only 20, or 10, or just 1?
What’s so special about the number 72 and why are they only promised to martyrs?…
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