The Winter Doldrums

If there’s any one season I hate it’s Winter. It gets cold… everything dies… the days are ridiculously short… it’s much windier during the winter months… January and February in Pennsylvania are brutal… Winter is a necessary part of nature to keep things balanced… That last one REALLY gets on my nerves! If we didn’t have Winter then we’d be over-run with bugs – the kind that bite! But since the temps only have to get in the mid 30’s for the bugs to die off, why does it have to get so stinkin cold around here? I guess it could be worse. I could live in Maine, or Minnesota,… Read More

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Term limits for EVERYONE!

As Americans we limit our President to a two term limit, yet we allow the real power brokers to remain indefinitely as long as they can get re-elected. That reality, at least to me, seems backwards. The founding fathers never meant for Congressman and Senators to be life-time positions, but yet We The People have allowed this to be simply because in an industrial power-house of a nation it’s easier and more convenient, but now it’s coming back to bite us all in the ass!

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I want my money back!

Politics in Pennsylvania have reached an all-time low. Our esteemed Governor has decided to hold state workers’ jobs hostage unless he gets a pet project of his (Casino Table Games legislation) passed by the house and senate. I recently heard on the area public radio station, WITF, that they’re actually pushing this thing, this piece of *wretch* legislation through! Just who the HELL does Ed-Sped-Chicken-Head Rendell think he is and where the HELL does he think he’s doing business? Governor Rendell, in case you’ve forgotten, this is the state of Pennsylvania, not the state of Rendell. If there was ever any doubt before that you were a shady crook, you’ve… Read More

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